Take a breath:How to cope during stressful time

A global pandemic causes so much worry, concern and fear. A lot of us are adjusting to working from home, all while tending to worries about the state of the world. Maybe you fret over the health of ageing parents or feel anxious over the ever-changing news cycle.

Psychological stress can damper your overall health, affecting your ability to remain resilient in the face of challenges. It can also thwart a strong immune system, which is needed to keep from getting
Tips if you are feeling anxious

(adapted from apa.org and unicef.org)

  1. Keep things in perspective.
  2. Get the facts.
  3. Communicate with your children.
  4. Remember basic well-being practices.
  5. Maintain work/life balance.
  6. Stay in regular contact with friends/family, and use technology creatively to do this.
  7. Practice mindfulness.
  8. Regulate your news media monitoring, especially TV news. Read articles, instead.
  9. A good antidote to adversity is kindness and compassion.

Stress reduction

Try a multi-pronged method that includes a balanced and personal approach to each of the following basic components to a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Maintain a balanced diet
  2. Exercise regularly
  3. Set aside enough time for sleep/rest
  4. Get enough social support — use technology creatively to meet with friends/family
  5. Set aside time for relaxation
  6. Spiritual practice, if any
  7. Engage with favourite art/culture/entertainment (many museums and cultural centres offer virtual experiences!)

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