Tunisia-Ahmed Ounaies:“Victory is certain for State of Palestine because time serves it, but…” [Video]

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, former diplomat Ahmed Ounaies remarked on the extent of the impact of international and global pressure on the Zionist entity following the series of massacres it has committed against the Palestinian people. Ounaies announced that victory is certain for the State of Palestine, as time is currently in its favour.

In the same context, Ounaies ruled out the prospect of an imminent victory, clarifying that the Palestinians, being a defenceless people, face continuous destruction with no adequate means to counter the attacks. He stated that more than 36,000 martyrs have been registered in nearly 230 days, and the attacks persist.

He stressed that there are no signs of support from any Arab, African, or European countries in defending Palestine. He also pointed out the absence of actual international pressure, with no important movements from the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the African Union, or any other international institutions. The only entities that have put any pressure on the Zionist entity are the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice. Meanwhile, the Security Council remains powerless, as the United States can block decisions employing its veto power.

Our speaker underscored the impotence of the international system, asserting that the plight of the Palestinian people must be urgently addressed. He called for a change in the global system to allow the cessation of such aggression.


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