Tunisia- [Audio] They wanted to kidnap her children .. a citizen recounts her ordeal

A citizen indicated, this Friday, September 4, 2020, that her two children, aged 14 and 11 respectively, were almost kidnapped, in the district of Manar, the day before around 2:30 p.m.

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, the citizen stated that her children were going to their grandparents who live 500 meters from their home when her eldest daughter noticed a white car following them. The lady continued that there were two people in the car and that one of them tried to pick on her 11-year-old son by attempting to grab him by the hand, but the little boy managed to run away from him.

According to our interlocutor, the two people got out of the car in order to find her son and kidnap him, which caused the fear of the two children, but they were able to run away and go home, she said.

The woman went to the local police station where a report was taken, given the gravity of what happened. On the other hand, the lady indicated that her children no longer remember any details of the car or of those on board that could help investigators.


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