Tunisia-Oueidat: “Parliament’s internal regulations do not provide for holding evaluation session of its work” [Video]

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, head of the Sovereign National Line bloc Abdel Razzaq Oueidat stressed that the internal regulations of the House of People’s Representatives do not provide for holding an evaluation session of Parliament’s work.

He additionally clarified that while the Parliament’s bylaws do specify sessions for dialogue with the government and its members, they do not mandate evaluation sessions for the activities of Parliament representatives. He proposed that evaluations could alternatively be conducted regarding the House Speaker or the members of the Parliament Office. Further, it is possible to organize sessions outside the standard plenary meetings, especially for evaluation purposes. At the committee level, there’s furthermore the option to invite the House Speaker for a dialogue, or such discussions could take place during the Parliamentary Academy.


Concerning the request of several representatives to hold an evaluation session, our speaker explained that all of this remains to converse behind the scenes, but there is no official request or initiative, as it is feasible for the matter to be raised by one representative and discussed by several other representatives, but there are no Written invitations or on a point of order, but this is out of the question.

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