Tunisia-(Audio) Ridha Belhaj:Saied ‘s speech represents the beginning of the downfall of the coup

Speaking to Tunisie Numérque, Amal party leader Ridha Belhaj expressed that what the head of the state did was certainly a coup and was executed through a legislative text that opposes the constitution. He indicated that Saied is floundering in trouble wondering how to exist from it through his proposition of popular consultation for a new constitution.

Belhaj said this suggestion can’t be applied, indicating that this is a mere escape forward, a consecration of the coup, a seizure of powers as well as sanctifying an individual rule and going back of the gains achieved step by step since 2011 such as the peaceful transition and separation of powers despite the shortage.

He pointed out today that Kais Saied plans to consecrate an individual tyrannical rule tailored to a popular system and Popular Committees. He said that the head of the state is in international isolation with little support from the inside, indicating that on the popular level, the president support is declining after giving fake promises. People are feeling that the state is in trouble, he adds.

On the international level, he said that the president of the republic is in a state of suffocation whether on the diplomatic level with friendly nations or economically with the IFM and financial institution. He stressed that this deadlock can be seen through a 180 degrees shift in his speech in the security council which proves that his conformity is rejected by large portions of the people and even those in power, indicating that this beginning of the fall of the coup.

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