Tunisia-Abdellatif Hannachi: Decline in protests reflects great disappointment (Audio)

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, academic Abdellatif Hannachi underlined that the decrease in demonstrations and social movements can be explained by a certain frustration among the masses with the socio-political situation and their dissatisfaction with the political class before July 25 which failed to properly manage the socio-economic situation in the country and fulfil the objectives of the revolution.
“The political class before July 25 degraded the political landscape and life, which contributed to the decline of its reputation among public opinion despite the deterioration of the economic and social situation”, he adds.
“The triggering of the process on July 25 permitted several social categories to find hope in the person of the head of state, renowned for his integrity and honesty,” states Abdellatif Hannachi.
“The current immobility of vulnerable social categories in the face of the weakening of purchasing power and the rise in prices is a sort of sanction exerted on the political class before July 25, despite the current situation, which according to him, recalls the causes of the bread riots in 1984, notably the lifting of subsidies and the increase in food products.

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