Tunisia – Action by Kaïs Saïed: What will be the reactions at the international level?

President Kaïs Saïed has declared that he is freezing parliament and sacking the prime minister. He confirmed also that he was in charge of the executive power. This statement was followed by a wave of people who braved the curfew and who insisted on taking to the roads, to show their backing for the President of the Republic in his decisions.

The people, besides, had announced earlier this morning their opinion in connection to the current political system, as well as the parliament, and more particularly, the Islamists of Ennahdha, whose offices have been systematically attacked in most regions of the country.

For their part, the leaders of Ennahdha have increased the declarations assuring that what occurred can only be a coup d’etat and a reversal against the revolution, the will of the people and the Revolution. They further called on their supporters to defend their party and their status. Nonetheless, as everyone knows, in such circumstances, the reactions of foreign powers must always be taken into the record, and they are, sometimes, decisive. But when it comes to events in Tunisia, things appear clear. And this for, at least, two reasons.


First, it should be remarked that if the Nahdhaouis decided to battle in the streets and appealed to their supporters, it is because they must have despaired of the support of foreign powers. Remarkably since the blow of Saïed fell rather badly. In the midst of a period of disgrace for the Islamists, throughout the region. And the second and most important reason that will surely weigh heavily in the reactions of other countries is undoubtedly the exemplary popular celebration that followed Kaïs Saïed’s decisions.

A popular impetus that leaves no doubt that this decision represents the vast majority of Tunisians from all neighbourhoods, all cities and social classes who shouted their joy for this “liberation”. A popular impetus that will not fail to condition responses to the international, since, everywhere in the world, no one would dare to intervene in the face of the will of a people!

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