Tunisia-Photo of the day: Fathi Laâyouni honors himself !

In a complete absence of professionalism and ethics, Kram mayor Fathi Laâyouni chose to set up a stone on which appears a poem written by himself. The photo has been circulating around the web for last days.

Surpassing the narcissism and egocentrism that such an act exhibits, some Internet users have questioned with what money was this “work of art” created? Laâyouni, would he have contented himself with forcing his tastes on the inhabitants or would he have, in addition, drawn from the taxpayer’s money?

Either way, if you consider it, this situation appears more painful than absurd. While citizens protest about the filth in the streets and a catastrophic municipal road, some officials allow themselves to impose their delirium on them. Worse yet, two days since this shocking photo has been shared online, and the prosecution has yet to react (at least not to our knowledge).

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