Tunisia – Tabboubi rings the end of recess?

This has been anticipated for a few days already! The UGTT desired to make the day of commemoration of the assassination of Farhat Hached a crucial date in the recent history of the country.
Thanks to planned and cleverly refined “indiscretions”, we recognised that Tabboubi was going to make declarations during this commemoration and it needs to be said that we were not disappointed. Noureddine Tabboubi’s address this Saturday on the esplanade of Kasbah, right in front of the mausoleum of Farhat Hached, was, to say the least, “edifying”.
First, Tabboubi knew how to place himself at the level of Kaïs Saïed, by competing with him on all levels. If one boasted of electoral legitimacy, the second can profess the same, since he chairs the super-powerful UGTT. An organization that has millions of members and which, as a result, stands, as Saïed boasts, above a lot of parties and other formations in the nation. Moreover, if we would like to speak about weight in the street, since it has become, nowadays, a reference, and evidence of power, Tabboubi, by the government’s own admission, was capable to mobilize more than Saïed, and more than his opponents.
This is in terms of form. And essentially, Tabboubi’s address was a sort of whistle signalling the end of recess. He took the chance to take a look around, to diagnose the situation with all these defects and, above all, its perils. And, in addition, he presented the resolutions according to him, and according to the UGTT. Everything needs to go through democracy, pluralism and national and inclusive dialogue. So it is out of the question that anyone, whoever they are, monopolizes the decision and has the future of the country as he views fit and according to the formula he claims to want to apply.
 So, and, once and for all, Tabboubi revealed the opposition of the UGTT to Kaïs Saïed’s project, and commanded an agenda and a clear roadmap, to put a finish to the provisions of exceptions decided by Kaïs Saïed. . And, above all, he will take matters into his own hands, and begin a new national dialogue, under the aegis of the UGTT, and including everyone.
That has the benefit of being clear. In short, the UGTT thinks that enough time has been spent, and it’s time to sound the end of recess and is determined to take the country’s affairs into their own hands.

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