Tunisia-Zaytuna Mosque Sheikhdom calls Arab countries to do their duty towards the prophet and stand up to attack against him

The Zaytuna Mosque Sheikhdom has officially denounced the fierce and systematic attack on the sanctities of Islam, which provoked the feelings of Muslims, issued by the French President and his government through the cartoons insulting prophet Mohamed. n,

In an issued statement, The  Sheikhdomn called on “Presidents, kings and princes of the Arab nation to fulfil their duty towards their honourable Messenger and their sanctities”. It also asked upon  jurists and lawyers to “confront this fierce attack through legal channels in the international courts.”

It also called on the Islamic peoples to boycott French goods and companies till the French government apologized for what it had formulated as “the insults and assaults emanating from France against Muslims and their sanctities”.


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