70% of young unemployed people are supported by their parents (Survey)

A substantial portion of unemployed young people, around 70%, rely on parental support to meet their needs. Additionally, 35.8% utilize their savings, while 11% receive transfers from family members. Unemployed women, to the extent of 31.5%, are supported by their husbands in similar situations.

A survey conducted by the United Nations (Office of the Resident Coordinator in Tunisia), the International Labor Organization, and the United Nations Development Program, released on Friday, August 29, 2023, encompassing the entire young and elderly population aged 15 to 29 in the governorates of Kairouan, Sidi Bouzid, Gafsa, and Monastir, highlights the financial dependency of young unemployed individuals on their families and loved ones as a significant vulnerability.

The survey results indicate a relatively low level of autonomy among young unemployed people. Only 6.5% perceive themselves as completely independent, whereas 54.6% feel they are not autonomous at all. There is a noticeable gender disparity in these findings. Approximately 70% of unemployed women express a lack of independence.

The international survey also uncovers a prevailing sense of discouragement among many young unemployed individuals concerning their social relationships and what they can offer. Most participants have underdeveloped social connections and emphasize the crucial role of family, providing them with advice, guidance, and both moral and financial support.

While these individuals have varying perceptions and expectations concerning their environment and interactions with peers, they unanimously regard family as a vital pillar of support.


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