Tunisia- Al Karama Coalition: Court clerks broke their strike for Sami Fehri and Nabil Karoui

Al Karama Coalition announced that it is observing with interest the consequences of the decision of the investigating judge of the Financial Judicial Pole to issue an arrest warrant against Qalb Tounes Party leader Nabil Karoui.

In a press release, it expressed its deep-rooted attachment to the independence of the judiciary from political exploitations directed at utilising it as a means of revenge or to influence the political balances emerging from the October 2019 elections.

The Coalition likewise asserts its firm adherence to the fierce principle of the fight against corruption as it is a revolutionary right and a political and economic imperative to remedy the impacts of cursed tyranny.

It also maintained its careful monitoring of all suspect movements and actions circling the anti-corruption case, and the questionable points such as breaking the strike of magistrates and court clerks for two consecutive days singularly for the interest of two “special ” files. The first, that of citizen Sami Fehri and the second for citizen Nabil Karoui, while there are hundreds of files on the shelves of the courts concerning other citizens of the same legal status who have not been the subject of same “very exceptional” procedures.

In the same context, it verified that it follows with bewilderment, the number of leaks published by the pages of  Democratic current and the Echaab Movement, as well as the post and statements published by leaders and representatives of the aforementioned parties, transcending the boundaries of the leakage of investigative secrets, interference and attempts to influence the judicial decision. This likewise indicates a pre-coordination and pre-management between the presidency of the Republic and the leaders of the Democratic Current, with the purpose of creating a new legal situation for its political investment later.

In conclusion, The Coalition warned “everyone” that: “Tunisians are not deceived by scintillating slogans like the fight against corruption to drive through undemocratic political programs, particularly if the one who raises the anti-corruption is the same one that recently whitewashed the one involved in it ”.

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