Tunisia-INPT: Government measures for COVID-19 marred by ambiguity

The National Authority for the Prevention of Torture (INPT) deemed that the measures adopted by the government to stop the spread of the COVID-19 are warped by legal ambiguity.
In its report on the management of the COVID-19 crisis, the INPT declared the resolutions taken by the government are not based on transparent legislative texts enabling to define rights and duties of those touched by the lockdown.
Despite the necessity of the measures taken to protect the health and safety of citizens, the absence of laws forms a risk of power monopolisation and misapplication of measures that could affect the rights of citizens, the authority warns.
In this respect, it cites the terms linking to the withdrawal of permits and vehicle registration cards for negligence to comply with health lockdown, considering that the legal armoury in power cannot satisfy the measures to be taken as part of the management of the health crisis in connection with Covid-19.
Furthermore, the INPT states that the implementation of the measures taken by the Government alters from one place to another, perceiving that the places set up for quarantine are not subject to the same regime.
It also indicates that it remarked that some detention centres do not respect social distancing measures and have not carried out tests on all persons in detention.


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