Tunisia- Major seizure by Customs: More than 1.5 Million Tnd and real estate contracts abroad

Tunisian Customs services conducted three successive operations resulting in the seizure of notable sums in Tunisian currency, surpassing 1.5 million dinars, as well as contracts for the acquisition of real estate abroad worth 11.5 million dinars, obtained illegally.

In the first operation, following an inquiry into suspicions of financial corruption, money laundering, and tax evasion, a sum of 570,000 dinars was found hidden in a warehouse in the Cap Bon region. Contraband ready-to-wear clothing from unknown sources was also seized.

In the second operation, an intelligence operation led to the finding of another sum of money concealed in a safe within a Cape Bon company suspected of customs and tax offences. The money and commercial documents are currently under examination.

In the third operation, more than 405,000 dinars were seized in a warehouse in Tunis, along with contracts for the purchase of properties abroad, acquired illegally and valued at about 11.5 million dinars.

These seizures indicate the effectiveness of Tunisian customs services in the battle against tax fraud and money laundering, and highlight the significance of continuous monitoring of financial and real estate transactions to prevent tax evasion and illegal activities.

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