Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, Mourad Hattab confirmed that Tunisia repaid all its internal and external debts for 2023.
“The repayment rate of external loans attained 134% since Tunisia repaid 11.7 billion dinars out of a total amount of 8.7 billion dinars scheduled in the 2023 budget. This increase is clarified by the rate exchange and interest rates. This shows the country’s financial capacity to honour its commitments and preserve the balance of public finance,” explains Hattab.
He wanted to highlight, in this sense, that “the repayment of the debt was neither to the detriment of imports of basic goods nor through new borrowing. On the contrary, imports of basic and consumer products have grown”
He noted that a reduction in domestic and external borrowing was registered in 2023, going from 16.6 billion dinars to 10.3 billion dinars. “Tunisia can honour financial commitments and this trend should continue in 2024,” he estimated.
Nevertheless, Mourad Hattab underlined that this does not stop public finance from encountering difficulties and challenges which require the implementation of the required reforms and the need to mobilize the necessary resources.
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