Qalb Tounes president Nabil Karoui addressed many key issues and the latest developments on the national scene.
Speaking at Watania,Karoui considered that the government had, in the beginning, succeeded in containing the epidemic thanks to the imposed lockdown, emphasising that the consequences were not obvious at the start since this measure had been adopted almost on an international scale. . “Afterwards, hoping for the return of tourist resources, they opened the borders. In the end, there was not a lot of tourism income, but it was the virus that took hold. ”
Asked about the absence of the Khalil Tounes association from charitable activities when it was very active before the elections, Nabil Karoui ensured that the project had helped many Tunisians. “There was a huge overflow of solidarity and we made a lot of interventions in the field of health. But, it needs to be said that the effectiveness of the interventions was backed by the state. Our actions were targeted and the authorities helped us guide them. Today, that is no longer the case. The outpouring of solidarity has waned following the smear campaigns, and we no longer have the same state support. Our actions are no longer on TV, they are only broadcast on the internet ”.
Returning to the controversy aroused by the cartoons attacking the prophet Mohamed, the president of Qalb Tounes said: “The sacred and religion are a red line that should not be touched, but these cartoons were published in France, and we reject any form of meddling in the internal affairs of a country. Moreover, the President of the Republic or the head of government should have gone to France to express Tunisia’s support and its position rejecting terrorism, especially since it turned out that the author of the Nice attack was Tunisian ”.
Nabil Karoui also reflected on the economic situation of the country ensuring that the current crisis is due to the poor management of public finances during the last ten years. He added that the Mechichi government must blame all those involved in this crisis.
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