President of the Republic, Kais Saied, underscored during his meeting, with Ms. Feriel Werghi Sebai, Minister of Economy and Planning, the necessity for purely national economic choices founded on new perceptions that break with what prevailed in the past, knowing that, unfortunately, some are still operating to return to it.
The President of the Republic emphasised that the rentier economy never creates wealth and cannot be a pillar of the economy and growth, besides that those who profit from it are a few families and that the growth rates are calculated not based on national wealth standards, but on the wealth they have accumulated and much more.
The organizations that have been set up for the classification and enumeration place Tunisia in the advanced ranks and give it marks of approval for the links of these families with the outside world. If these figures were objective and scientific, the situation in a certain number of public institutions would not be that of today.
The head of the state also talked of the need to accelerate the development of equitable development plans in which the social role of the State cannot be absent, because there is only real growth based on social justice and there is no economic and social growth, except when the State assumes its social role in health, education, transport and other establishments.
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