There have been many reactions to the appointment of Hichem Mechichi by the President of the Republic, Kaïs Saïed, to form a new government. Former president and House speaker Mohamed Ennaceur, also reacted to this appointment.
Speaking in Politica he considers that Hichem Mechichi constitutes a national competence. He says he has the necessary experience to manage state apparatus. “He knows what the prestige of the state means”, added Mohamed Ennaceur, and continue: “Hichem Mechichi must constitute a government of non-partisan powers”.
On another level, he returned to the difficult situation in Tunisia. He called for the establishment of a national rescue plan through a national conference. This, he continues, must bring together the presidents and leaders of political parties, parliamentary blocs, leaders of national organizations and personalities recognized for their skills. “The objective is to find solutions to get out of the crisis. We need a 3-year truce so that the [next] government can carry out the reforms, ”advocated Mohamed Ennaceur.
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