Tunisia- [Audio] Zakaria Bouguerra: Tunisia to record between 60,000 and 180,000 if a three months lockdown is not impsoded

Doctor Zakaria Bouguerra affirmed that the country ins going through a severe situation and there is no escape from the European scenario if a lockdown imposed or borders were close since its too late.

Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, Mr Bouguerra disclosed that the nation will record 3500 deaths if the aforementioned measures were to be applied, however, the tally will soar between 60,000 and 180,000  by May if they are not imposed.
Our speaker stressed that the situation requires a war strategy, adding that general lockdown and closure of borders must be forced to evade scenarios that are much more dangerous than the European one.
Furthermore, he believes that approving a lockdown will have an economic cost for the country, but it is much less than the cost of continuing the virus spread without a fight.
In the event that a lockdown for a period of 3 months is forced , Tunisia will control the virus and return to ordinary life, according to our speaker.

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