Tunisia – Where did the question of the 10% reduction in wages come from?

The issue has sparked massive controversy and it immediately became evident that it could not pass under the current circumstances. This is the government’s presumed intent to cut wages by 10%. While the UGTT confirms that this is indeed an intention shown by the government, during the last meeting which put it in front of the leaders of the UGTT, the government representatives assure, for their part, that it is not, and that the members of the administration present at this meeting never pronounced such thing.

By the way, the story of this 10% cut has been concluded, even from declarations by the head of government, who, although she did not say it, implicitly hinted to the measure. Indeed, and during the interviews that she had with the management of the UGTT, Bouden would have disclosed to them all the arrangements that she prepared to deploy to mobilize the funds that were essential for her to ensure the financing of her 2022 budget. Nevertheless, according to her own confidences, despite all these provisions, she was going to end up with a hole of 4 billion TD, which she clearly intended to fill with the help of her recourse to a mass reduction of salary.


However, a simple mental calculation made it possible to realize that this 4 billion TD corresponded roughly to 10% of the annual salary envelope

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